With only 376 more days to go ...the most prominent question that bugs our mind is whether Delhi wud be able to host the Commonwealth Games 2010 like china did in Olympics 2008(best i ve ever seen)....ofcourse not...we cant compare it to d level of China ...but is Delhi ready to put up a decent show which wud be a direct step to change our global image from poor country to a modern super power nation.
The Commonwealth games will be held next year in October, but as per the deadlines, all the preparations have to be completed by March 2010, and it seems thats deadline may not be met. Although the IOC head Mr. Suresh Kalmadi keeps iterating that the they are on schedule, everyone else on ground seem to think otherwise. Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) says 13 of 19 venues are between 30% and 50% behind schedule. And it is just not for the venues, the accommodation arrangements for the athletes also is a big issue. Only 3,952 of the ‘confirmed’ 9,500 rooms – a mere 41% – are currently ready. That’s not all. Of the 2,194 ‘likely’ rooms expected to come up in time for the October 2010 event, only 50% will be ready, according to the ministry’s review. This city, which is to host the games in October next year, is a complete mess. Almost every major road is dug up or blocked, either for Metro or flyover construction. Preparations are so dangerously behind schedule that the Games Federation chief Michael Fennell has demanded a meeting with the Indian prime minister calling for "urgent action". And on the security front we hear Scotland Yard, whose officers have visited Delhi several times recently, have yet to be convinced that the safety of British teams can be guaranteed.
Meanwhile, distant Glasgow, Delhi's successor for the 2014 Games, is already buzzing with activity. Interestingly, this Scottish city has started work on many of the projects earmarked for the Games, with deadlines kept to 2012/13, leaving a year to make up for any slack.
Why we always do things late even if we wud ve ample time to finish it before the deadline??? Well what can one say...its in our blood.........haaa.....The major reason for turning this gorgeous event into a fiasco is the deadline set for the major projects i.e. March,2010 and most of the project r goin on behind the schedule. How much time Delhi wud ve if anything goes wrong after the work got completed?? How they gonna fix it in such a short period...?? The govt has yet to organise a volunteer team which will help the tourist n athletes during the games and will also help to make the event a big success. How much time the organising team wud need in order to give a performance to the level of the dignity of our country(who cares) ??
I think this is a wake up call for our officials but i thinks its already too late(u never know until it happens).....Only one suggestion,after the completion of the Commonwealth Games please sack Mr. Kalmadi...............that guy party too much!!!
If you want a different view on this issue plz visit this link: (its awesome)