Well I ve been living in Delhi for 5-6 mnths and its been a wonderful time here in our capital. During my days in Delhi I travelled through Metro most of the time. Metro was first started on December 24, 2002. Since then it’s acting as the backbone of Delhi transport system.
Metro is full of ppl(not in terms of no. of ppl travel in metro) but I mean to say that it is full of emotions despite being a machine. First time I took the metro, it was a bit scary journey. Scary coz when I entered in d metro I was petrified as there were so many ppl in d train like all of them were forced into the train n were goin into some Nazi concentration camp against their will. You cannot move anything even if u want to as it was fully stuffed to the core with a feel of India. Well you may know, whenever in India if we want to travel thrugh public transport then we ve to force our way to get in or out whether its trains, buses etc. The journey in metro is nt simple, its quite complicated not in terms of technology but in terms of sociology. You wud encountered with different types of social patterns. You will be able to see diff kinds of ppl, observe diff behavior, attitude, habits etc in a very short span of time as my journey in metro never last for more than 50 min and I never saw the same person again(or even if I saw him/her again then I wont remember it coz they r so many ppl everyday in metro n its impossible to retain their faces in ur memory)but in that short time, you wud be able to know the person(peculiar habits most of the time) only if u want to. I divide the ppl in metro into different categories according to my reasoning (u may heard of them)……..
1.) Naught/naïve kids(8-18)
2.) Thoughtless, Aimless Youngistan(18-26).
3.) Gorgeous creatures(Girls)[You cant tell the age of a girl/women its an offence].
4.) Working class(26-55).
5.) Romantic Couples(No age limit)[We Indians are very romantic homosepians]
Firstly, I will discuss with you abt naughty kids. Well most the times they r with someone (i.e. parents) and they r highly unpredictable in nature n that’s why we call them kids. Sometime they r so polite n nice n suddenly start screaming over something n the whole metro goes crazy when one of those little todd start crying…u cud do anything to go out of the metro at that time. I see kids comes in metro in school dresses with bag at the back n water bottle hanging by the neck n luking constantly at the route plan pasted on the top of the gate. The kid will be quite only if he is alone n or continually talking if in a grp. Well I really admire these metropolitan kids coz they ve so much exposure in so little age n they can do things easily which I cant when I was at their age. I mean if somebody comes frm a small town then ride of a metro will be a big thing for him just like as he wud have visited any other planet n most often u can see ppl not able to go thrgh entry or exit gate in metro station as they don’t know whether to touch the coin like they did before as they don’t ve any idea as it was their first time but even if they come again they will ve the fear of escalators etc...... but a kid of 5-6 yrs of age can do these kind of things easily or different business regarding his life…its no big deal for him…….I don’t want to say that they will ve gr8 future as compare to the kids living in small towns or village but certainly thet ve some advantage …….
Then we come to our the youngistan category and why I said it is thoughtless n aimless, well I think I personified it according to my own perceptions(haa…). You can identify them instantly if you see one of those features: Spikes, funky clothes, pimples, bad breath wearing sunglasses in metro, constantly shouting or bursting into laughter without any reason etc and many other I cant even tell you. The youngistan as we know is the future of our country and is a very vibrant n colorful grp. Most of the time they r in grp, giggling or studying or discussing something. And if they are alone them most often talking on their phone to their gf/bf abt plans for the weekend. The most terrific thing abt them is that everyday for them is weekend as they are completely free from any boundations in this world(not frm their parents) and this is quite cool. I love their happy go lucky nature and it brings charm to the life that is present in metro. The most important feature I forgot to tell you that youngistan is addicted to their cellphones either they r talking to someone or listening music all the time(24x7).
Gorgeous creatures ( that means to only girls or women's as I m not a gay so I cant watch them in that sense …ha…..but I support them as the gay’s ve all the rights to be common n miserable like everybody else…..). This is the most beautiful aspect of the metro n I cherished it most. By paying only 6 to 7 rupees u can watch beauty worth a i don’t know as u cant ve any measurement standard.(each person has his own set of standards of beauty I guess). I m talking here abt the external beauty not the inner one as I don’t know them so I cant comment abt their nature or anything but I can comment on their looks etc according to my set of standards as we r living in a free wrld. Most of these girls ve unique sense of fashion(or u can use the word weird also in some case), I don’t know where they get it but i cant comment much abt it as i don’t ve any knowledge abt it either just like them. These girls usually don’t wear branded clothes but yet they ve some catchy taste directly purchased frm Janpath Bazar or Sarita vihar mrkt etc. Whatever they r wearing most of the time that just compliment their body …I think I might be goin to far with this so I ve to hold my thoughts…..lets just talk abt other stuff... like how they walk or how they talk…walk n talk …..One thing for sure u will notice whenever they r walking like they r on ramp with chin high up n attitude on full flow n they walk just like as they r some big shot hot models or something thats case with the most DU girls (dead faces with no expression at all if they r totally lonely). Whenever they talk like if they r in some speech or accent competition…………I don’t know who is behind this Mtv, Channel V etc….no idea boss…..but I wish they can act normal …this nt true for all the girls ……With this class we ve got some free packages like desi hunk or romeo’s etc …..they r funniest ppl of all time ……I m nt talkin abt the playmakers or casanova type( I m waitng to meet that kind of ppl as that wud be quite awesome n educational experience) ..no kidding .... our desi munde with spiked hair pierced eyes or lips n they can wear anything just to get attention. Most of them r college dudes searching for their divas in the metro.
Working class as u all know consist of lazy luking guys constantly talking on their phones either to their boss or colleague (in the morning) or to wife( in the evening). I used the term lazy coz whatever is the time either they r goin to the office or cumin frm it n they r nt excited enough n they don’t luk fresh or full of joy. Most of the time u will see them talking non-stop with the guy on the other end abt the assignment he got or he will be goin to be late or to pick something frm the guy or any other boring shit that u don’t give a damn abt. These ppl sometime gives u hell of a time n when I m talking abt the class here I m talking abt both genders as most of the they r pissed off with their life or job as a result u will receive some god damn lecture in frnt of the whole crowd of the metro abt the mistake u ve’nt done or if u did then it was nt intentional. I don’t hate them but I don’t like them also but its nt true for all of the ppl most of them r really nice……
Last but not the least is our romantic couple category(romantic or nt that u ve to decide when u see them). Everytime they r in their own zone as we r speaking abt couples here n they don’t need anybody else just to spoil there moment. Whenever they enter in a metro, they always rushes for a corner seat I don’t know why ?? but I think u know……..hmm….or atleast they know what they r doin right( so that no one interfere in their business)?? They r smiling n talking to each other or walking hand in hand and the amazing thing is that how close you r standing with them u can't hear a thing ….. what the hell they r talking abt ??? It’s a gud experience seeing ppl luvin n caring for each other in this cruel world.
So this is it. These r the kind of pll I ve met over my journey n its still goin strong, as u will notice these ppl r no diff n u already know abt all these categories but my main aim is to prove a pt that in a small journey of 45-50 min u can observe so many things, get to know so many ppl or if u r lucky enough u wud get some frnds so never underestimate the simplicity of life arnd u ….coz each n every moment passing you by is a special moment…grab it enjoy it …….Its not just a metro its life travelling on the tracks with all the joy n pain…..........